
"Learning never exhausts the mind” - Leonardo da Vinci
Hello! Welcome to my webspace! I am a postdoctoral fellow affiliated with the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain medicine,Stanford University School of Medicine.I am a computational biologist by training and my research interests lie in Genomics, Machine learning and Computational Biophysics.I love being part of initiatives which promote scientific awareness amongst public and encourage kids/youth to pursue scientific careers.

Molecular Modeling, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Molecular Docking, Elastic Network Models

RNA Seq Data Analysis, miRNA Seq Data Analysis, Gene Expression Data, Microarray Data
Community Work
Technical Skills
Unix Scripting
Computational Biophysics
Machine Learning
Molecular Dynamics Simulations
HPC clusters
NGS Data Analysis
Blogs & Articles
Virtual Python programming workshop at Biotech Partners, California
Seminar for Go Further Conference,Iowa State University
Hosted ISCB-SC keynote talk on NASA Genelab by Dr.Beheshti
Seminar on “ISCB-Student Council and Regional Student Groups” at VIT University, Vellore
December 28, 2020How to write a compelling scientific/technical abstract?
December 18, 2020
Want to reach me? Please drop a mail at or I can be reached via the following :